Wellness Coaching

coachingWellness: (noun). A conscious, deliberate process that requires a person to become aware of and make choices for a more satisfying lifestyle. Wellness encompasses lifestyle, mental, and spiritual well-being.

What is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness coaching helps people create change in their lives to promote better health and improve their life satisfaction. Wellness coaching looks at the person as a whole--examining factors such as eating habits, lifestyle choices, and the impact of career, relationships, stress, and physical activity have on the whole person. Wellness coaching is about helping you create balance so you can live your best life.

What does a Wellness Coach do?

A Wellness Coach is a person who has special training in helping others make positive changes through education, communication and listening skills and uses coaching principles and strategies to help motivate and inspire change. Sometimes a wellness coach works with other members of a treatment team or support team (such as healthcare providers or family members) to help a client reach their goals. A coaching relationship provides structure, accountability, expertise and encouragement. Such a relationship allows you to learn, grow and develop beyond what you might be able to do alone. As your coach I teach you tools for behavior change and self-accountability. I work with you collaboratively to help you create change in your life. Together we identify why change is important to you. We look at your strengths and weaknesses and talk about what has gotten in your way in the past keeping you from achieving your goal. Once we are clear then we create goals and make a plan of action. At each session we review your progress or spend time talking about the bumps you may have experienced. If needed, we adjust the goals and steps to keep you motivated and building confidence in yourself. Some clients use coaching for a relatively short period of time (10-12 sessions) while others choose to continue the support and accountability to address new challenges or goals.

How can Wellness Coaching help me?

  • Many people come to coaching after receiving a health diagnosis (such as high blood pressure) or their physician has advised them to change their lifestyle. As your coach, I can help you make changes in your life to improve your health.
  • Perhaps you often feel fatigued or experience low energy. As your coach I can help you identify areas in your life that may need attention to help you regain energy through behavioral/habit changes.
  • Perhaps you often feel stressed and frazzled. If your job and personal life are unbalanced, I can help you make changes to create more balance and reduce stress, thus increasing your self of life satisfaction.
  • Perhaps you are ready to quit smoking or lose weight but you have found it difficult to do this in the past. As your Wellness Coach, I can help you make attainable goals in order for you to create the change you desire.

How do I know if Wellness Coaching is right for me?

Coaching is an amazing process and those who benefit from it the most possess the following characteristics--

  • You are action-oriented and are willing to do what it takes to make changes toward achieving your goals
  • You are a person who loves learning, self-exploration and growth
  • You are willing to step out of your comfort zone and try new approaches
  • You are willing to view situations from a different perspective
  • You are willing to be honest and open-minded in communicating your successes and difficulties
  • You are willing to commit to the coaching process; you are not seeking instant solutions or short-cuts
  • You are ready to enjoy life

What are the benefits of Wellness Coaching?

  • Increased energy and joy
  • Improved fitness and health
  • Reduced stress and improved resilience in the face of stressors
  • Improved confidence and self awareness
  • Greater acceptance and sense of gratitude
  • Improved self care and life balance
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